buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Blockchain Valuation Hub style.css header class hero nav div ValueChain class logo div class nav-links a Calculator href #calculator a Metrics href #metrics a Learn href #learn div class hero-content h1 Blockchain Valuation Analytics p Professional-grade tools for analyzing and valuing blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies button Get Started class cta-button onclick openCalculator() main section id calculator class calculator-section h2 Network Valuation Calculator div class calculator-grid div class input-group label Network Hash Rate input type number id hashRate placeholder Enter hash rate... div class input-group label Daily Active Users input type number id activeUsers placeholder Enter DAU... div class input-group label Transaction Volume input type number id txVolume placeholder Enter 24h volume... div class result-display h3 Estimated Value div id valueResult $0.00 section id metrics class metrics-section h2 Key Valuation Metrics div class metrics-grid div class metric-card h3 NVT Ratio p Network Value to Transactions Ratio div class metric-value id nvtValue div class metric-card h3 MVRV Ratio p Market Value to Realized Value div class metric-value id mvrvValue div class metric-card h3 Stock Flow p Supply Growth vs. Existing Stock div class metric-value id stockFlowValue section id learn class learn-section h2 Understanding Blockchain Valuation div class learn-grid article class learn-card h3 Fundamental Analysis p Learn how to value networks based on utility and adoption metrics article class learn-card h3 Technical Indicators p Discover key technical indicators for blockchain valuation article class learn-card h3 Market Psychology p Understanding market sentiment and network effects footer div class footer-content p Built by the blockchain analytics community div class footer-links a Documentation href /docs a API href /api a Updates href /blog